Import contacts from your SIM to iPhone (finally!!)
Update : Starting iPhone firmware 2.0, Apple solved the SIM import issue by neatly integrating into the iPhone officially! Look for the option under Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendar -> Import SIM Contacts
Apple did a terrible job with SIM contacts – why wasn’t it not implemented when an independent developer can release that for free! Anyways, Apple did a great job with iPhone sans installer. Till SIMport was released, the only option we had to import SIM contacts were to either use an other phone – > Upload contacts Yahoo! Go/GooSync Contacts and so on… all of them needed another phone to do so but not anymore. You can now import SIM contacts to your iPhone just like that!! Insert the new sim in your iPhone, activate it using iNDependence/iBrickr/iDemocracy in case it reports for a foreign SIM!
How do we install it??
Launch and look for iFon International packages. If it is not found, go to sources(top right) -> add source -> and save!! Now you should be able to install SIMport. You are all set now 🙂
Update : A new shinier looking app (iSIM) for doing pretty much like SIMport was released recently. Though GUI and automation is good in this app – steer away from it unless you have some bucks to spare! It ain’t free. SIMport is the way to go!!
I cant see either IFon international or Simport in my installer – please help
It says it cant find the host wen i try to install Ifon.
very good app, you need to go into you installer then sources then edit then add this this will then give you the simport app you may need to refresh to
Is it possible to store iphone contacts back into sim card with simport?
@ Ramnkc : Nope, we cannot do it with this app. But why do you want to even do that? We have other alternatives if u r desperate. Lot easier too 🙂
The application finds only some of my contacts in my simcard (35 out of 170). Any cure for this?
@ TP : Are yu using iSIM or SimPort? I prefer SimPort cos’ it had no issues and iSIM has some limitations …
Hey, i have some problems with SIMport!
Every time i start the program I can see the Loading display, but then i will be thrown back to Home display!
I’ve already uninstalled an reinstalled but every time the same problem!!
@ Ben : I tried SIMport on all versions (1.1.1,1.1.2,1.1.3) and it worked just fine. Lemme know the version and kind of SIM you are trying to use.
I’m a little challenged, please help. I would like to import my contact info from my BlackBerry to my new 8gig iPhone. Obviously I could use a step-by-step guide. Thanks.
@ Lynne : You might want to use Yahoo Go mobile client on your blackberry to upload contacts to Yahoo and then export contacts as csv and put the contacts to your iPhone via iTunes (pc/mac : import contacts from the .csv file).
Blackberry have sim access right?? Why don’t u save contacts to the sim and retrieve the same on iPhone?
Thanks Kiran: BlackBerry contacts are on a sim. I’m not sure what you mean by sim “access”. Unfortunately the iPhone doesn’t seem to be able to easily import from the BB sim. I did say I’m electronically challenged … right? 🙂 I hate to resort to the Genius Bar … that would be admitting I can’t figure it out. I’ll see if I can figure out the Yahoo Go mobile client. Thanks again.
@ Lynne : Blackberry SiM Access == It has a SIM and it can read contacts on the SIM. If that is the case, then you can transfer the contacts from BB to your SIM. Check this guide :
A small suggestion : Whenever you ask for tech support, first thing you might want to tell is the exact model number of your device 🙂
Ok, hoping that you have your contacts on your SIM, now did you perform any sort of hacks (jailbreak) on your iPhone?? Is it fresh from Apple or did you tinker around with and stuff??
If yes, follow this tutorial, it is so easy, believe me!!
If not, Genius Bar geniuses cannot do help you with this cos’ Apple never did implement this feature out of the box. You have to try the Yahoo Go thingy!! Lemme know 🙂 I love helping electronically challenging people such that they can learn and share with others 🙂
Hi kiran,
Today i unlocked my iphone 1.1.2 (4.6), now i cant find any iFone International Package,i can see only iFone (Connection Manager). More over where i can download the SimPort, here i d’nt see any link for the Simport download.
Let me know the download…
@ Geller : I just installed the iFon repo and I found it in international package. You might want to refresh the sources and try again! And that is the only app I see there 🙂
Hi Kiran,
After refresh also i can’t able to c the iFon International package.. i am look at installer->source(right bottom)->Edit(right top) –> Add(left top), after i entered, in the source list i can able to c in Uncategorized list.
Where i can find the Simport download link. Can you explain in clear. plz….
Hi Kiran,
After refresh also i can’t able to c the iFon International package.. i am look at installer->source(right bottom)->Edit(right top) –> Add(left top), after i entered, in the source list i can able to c in Uncategorized list.
Where i can find the Simport download link. Can you explain in clear. plz….
EDIT : sent to your email. FTP the file to /applications on your iPhone 🙂
Hi Kiran,
Thanx for how i can FTP the application, bcz as you mention before,in the source list i can able to c Simport. I am little confused with this, kindly give the instruction as like iphone unlock. Many thanx for your help.
How long should I wait on the loading screen? – 20 mints and noting. Please advice!
i mention that i m using PC, can you tell me clearly for the Simport process steps.
Well, it depends on the number of contacts but nah, it should not take so long. Try restarting the process and if it fails, let me know the firmware version you are on 🙂
[…] info on how to install it and how use it click here […]
I followed the instructions, found the iFon Intl package, and when trying to install SIMport I get an error “Main script execution failed!” Anyone else get this?
I used independence to jailbreak and unlock, installed And I’m running on firmware 1.1.3 if that helps.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest upgrading to 1.1.3 using iTunes and then using ZiPhoneGUI or iJailbreak to unlock your iPhone. That shall help but I recommend 1.1.2 🙂
I have problem with call out once after i use the Simport. Btw, i not sure it is cause by Simport of not , but that the only application i used b4 i encountered that problem. Btw, i still able to receive sms, incoming call, sms out. Please help on this matter. If possible guide me where can i look for the telco setting for configuration. Urgently need assists!! my iphone version is 1.1.3
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