iPhone 3G 2.2 Custom Firmware Unactivated, Cydia, Jailbreak for Legit iPhone Customers
24 November 2008
If you are a legit iPhone customer (ATT, Rogers,…) and are looking for 2.2 firmware which preserves unlock capabilities but need a pre-activated unlike pwned and activated firmware, this is for you! Not a legit iPhone user? Follow this post instead.
Requirements :
Legit iPhone plan
Pwned iPhone firmware 2.1 (You may restore to this firmware only from an already pwned 2.1 firmware)
Download this program (freeware) to join this firmware file
Desire to chase the extremes of iPhone productivity!
Features :
Root Partition 1000 MB
Cydia, Installer
Not-Activated (For legit iPhone users!)
Factory default Apple logos (No pwnapple!)
hey, i used the other custom ipsw (defacto and 1000mb) but they aren't activated for ATT, i don't get the signal with my att sim. i don't have the actual iphone plan but i just used the sim from my existing phone. so which firmware do i use exactly? this ipsw?
Well, if you don't have then iPhone contract then you might try the activated version in the post following this. I see no reason why it shouldn't work though.
Best : try this ipsw, it should work….
hi i have my iphone 3g from italy and i pwned it. now it is at 2.1 (I remember, I had to UNCHECK the activate option in Pwnage Tool to make it work, otherwise i got no service). So would be this the right 2.2 firmware for me??
Yes, you have to use this firmware then!
hi, just wanted to know if his ipsw DOES NOT update the baseband, and if not can someone send me a pic to lidoro2005@hotmail.com, sorry its y father phone, so i wont mess around with it… lol thanks
It is without the baseband update.. if you need proof go by the comments here…
I bought my iphone from a past user and its been activated (I live in Canada so i use Rogers). Can I still be able to activate it even if im not the person who bought it? Will it update my contract? Also I'm on non-jailbroken FW 2.1, so I should use quickpwn (since im on windows) to jailbreak 2.1 and then use itunes and shift restore that .ipsw in this page?
Thanks in advanced.
Well, if you don't have an iPhone contract, this is not the firmware for you. You have to download the activated version (found in the post following this post). Yeah, first you have to pwn in 21 using Windows QuickPwn and then Shift + restore the custom firmware!
Thanks for your reply.
For the .ipsw on the next post, there are two kinds. The first one is just the same as the second with the exception that the second one makes a 553mb partition? This first one should be 1000mb and have cydia, installer as well correct?
Also, do I have to download an activated version of fw 2.1 in order to jailbreak it using quickpwn? Or can I download the .ipws straight from apple.com or something?
Yeah, 2.1 firmware should be from Apple.com available in downloads -> firmwares section on this site.
You can use either 533MB or 1000MB root partition. Use 533MB, better!
I guess maybe I should get the 533mb partition, frees up some space for more music, but I don't know if I'm going to be downloading alot of apps or not. i'll give the 533 a shoot and if I need more space, i'll just rejailbreak. Just to confirm, I should download the last 3 files on this page: http://ilikemyiphone.com/wordpress/?p=539? the one where its activated for t-mobile, it would also work on Rogers correct? Thanks again.
Yes, exactly! I am not sure if you have iPhone plan on Rogers. That firmware is for non-iPhone plans any GSM carrier…
Yup I bought mine through craigslist used and already activated. I'm not using the regular iphone plan it comes with, just a regular old cell phone plan on Rogers. Thanks for all the quick responses and the help!
Ok so proceeded with the restore and now the FW is loaded onto it. The iphone does start up to springboard but the phone part doesn't work. I have one bar up and it doesn't even detect my carrier. I reseted the phone but still no luck.
Hi Tim… Since you bought the Rogers iPhone and you are using Rogers, it should definitely work. You might want to connect it to iTunes once.
Hmmm on well I did go to itunes and restored my settings. After that it's pretty much still the same, no signal. Try popping out the SIM are tray a few times but its still a no go.
Also should I have taken out the SIM card when I did the restore using the custom firmware?
Hmmm, well… I don't understand the situation with Rogers in Canada may be, also try this firmware on this page, it won't harm you. You don't have to take the sim as long as the iPhone was originally sold for Rogers….
Well won't I have to activate it again? I'm not sure how the activation part works, but i think i need the data plan and wat right? I don't think I can because like I said before, I bought it used. Also the SIM card is mine, it wasn't part the iphone when I bought it from the guy, but the SIM card is Rogers. I might just go a do a restore to 2.1 and retry it. You think its ok to use the custom FW on this page?
Absolutely. These firmwares cause no harm as they are intended to preserve the baseband… Go ahead!
I just downloaded anothing custom firmware but it doesn't have installer on it. Sigh at least phones working now. Been at this all day. I hope I don't need installer as I've heard that some people experiance problems with their jailbroken FW 2.2 as well as Cydia. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me. I'll see how this custom firmware goes. But despite all that thanks for all your help today.
Not a problem Tim! Installer has been crap with 2.0 f/w anyway and we all now use only Cydia! Have fun 🙂
Hello Kiran,
I have bought my LEGALLY UNLOCKED Iphone 3G recently and updated it's FW to 2.2 using iTunes. I would like to install Cydia in it in order to be able to install 3rd party softwares and also to get Arabic keybaord installed. I understand that i have to Jailbreak it using QuickPwn. My Q is: If i Pwned my iPhone would it get locked out? if not….would i be able to update it's FW to 2.3 in the future after it is jailbroke? Appreciate your kind reply in this regard.
With legally unlocked iPhones, you are fee to to anything! Go ahead and quickpwn 🙂 You will be all set for 2.3 too!
Sent from my iPhone
i'm just wondering, do i just press shift+restore in itunes and load this firmware? i have a legit att plan. i also wanted to make sure this doesnt mess with my imei. also, i can use it on legit firmware 2.1, correct?
You can use this with your legit iPhone plan but before you use shift + restore , you have to pwn your iPhone 2.1 using quickpwn….
I also have a lot of installous apps idk if that could be causing issues with the back up.
I never had issues with them… I didn't use many of those apps though…
Sent from my iPhone
Thanks!So basically i should try to backup first than download the firmware above and click shift restore?
You got it!
I'm gonna give it a shot soon as i leave the office you r and iphone god!!!! Thanks a lot
Hey K, I notice there are 3 different downloads does it matter which one?
Those are 3 parts for the firmware file. You have to download all three and join them. Rapidshare size restriction…
Hey I have an Iphone 3G, using AT&T Service but its jailbroken through quickpwn 2.1, I tried downloading the update through itunes but i kept getting an error during the backup should i use this firmware instead and will i lose all my data
You will loose data if not backed up…
Sent from my iPhone
How do you join them?
In the post, you see the name of the software sued to join them, open source….
wow tried to back up and received an error 0x81000002? any help??
Frankly speaking, I haven't seen that error before… I suggest a manual backup…. aptbackup (found in Cydia to backup apps from Cydia), and then uninstalall apps and then try backing up…
Strange, I never had backup issues with 2.0 and above firmwares…. Do you have lot of data?
Hey i used this firmware do i use the yelowsn0w project when its out?
Yep, you re all set for it!
Hi kkiran,
what if i have already upgrade my firmware to 2.2 through itunes. can i still
follow ur steps?
jiren : Unfortunately you will still have the older baseband 2.28. You can jailbreak and use Cydia but not the unlock …
hey kkiran,
sorry but i do not quite understand ur sentence
“You can jailbreak and use Cydia but not the unlock”
how can i ensure that i do not have the old baseband of 2.28
If you currently have 2.28 modem firmware (Settings- > General -> About) then we have no way to downgrade as of now, hence no software unlock.
but i can still have Cydia and Installer and from these two download 3rd party applications?
please pardon my ignorance.
Absolutely! Check downloads section and download QuickPwn for your platform (Mac/Windows) and Jailbreak your iPhone.
im using a legit iphone, and i understand that i have to quickpwn it. but do i still need to jail break it?
and one last qn, whats the difference between having ur software locked or unlocked?
thank you so much!
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