Solution : Error 1600 while trying to Restore to Custome iPhone firmware for 2G / 3G iPhone Jailbreak
18 September 2009
If you get a 1600 or 16xx error while trying to restore to a custom 3.1 firmware for iPhone 2G or 3G, try the following :
Try this first instead of entering DFU mode…for 3G
1)UNPLUG ur iphone and turn off
2)Open itunes
3) hold home as u plug in iphone and keep holding until u see itunes logo on ur iphone
4) then SHIFT+restore and locate the custom ipsw
and there u go! (thanks txccu2000).
If that didn’t work, then try the following :
- Try rebooting both iPhone and PC/Mac.
- Make sure the iPhone is in DFU mode.
- On a Mac – BEFORE creating the custom ipsw, delete restore files found in ~/Library/iTunes/Device Support
- On a PC – Delete device support files (restore files) in iTunes folder in the following locations
- Windows 7 and Vista : C:/*UsersName*/AppData/Roaming/Apple Computer/iTunesDevice Support
- Windows XP : C:/Documents and Settings/*UserName*/Application Data/Apple Computer/iTunes/Device Support
- Try restoring to the custom firmware via iTunes by (shift+restore on Windows, Option + Restore on Mac)
Credit : Thanks Sandos for location of restore files in Windows OSes.
I have this same error with a 4.0 OS. I already try anything for this posts, but at least nothing happens. My Iphone is a 3GS with a custom firmware unlocked with a snowbreeze. The phone was working fine and freeze when i have installed the winterboard. Now, nothing works and the iphone remains in initial screen (freezing apple!).
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot.
sn0wbreeze and 4.0 custom firmware?
Does your 3GS have old bootrom? I am posting the custom firmware now, give it a shot, it won't hurt…
hey!! . . i’ve got a 3GS with iOs 4 . . n is on emergency calls mode ! . . i cant activate the phone cauz i dont use at&t . . i tried to downgrade te firmware as well as restore a hacktivated version of iOs but while restoring 16xx error pops up . . what should i do??
Was your 3GS ever jailbroken? Did you ever use Cydia on firmware 3.1.x? Did you store SHSH blobs? If yes to any of those – then we can activate/jailbreak using custom i)S 4 firmware.
If not, we will have to wait for now or you may find someone with AT&T contract to activate…
MAC Trick for error 1600 after 2G custom 3.1.3 upgrade failure:
* Forget DFU.
* Hold down HOME button & plug into USB port.
* OPTION key + clicking RESTORE button.
* Locate custom 3.1.3 firmware.
And your custom pwnage firmware will begin restoring.
I wish it always worked using this trick!
OMG!!! It's WORK!!!
Thx a lot ^^''
Tommy, This was THE answer for me! Thank you!
AWESOME !!! Thanks so much !!! it works like charm !!!
Doesn't work for me. Always get the 1600 error.
Boy oh boy ! thanks a lot for this tip. There is no other way to get the Iphone 2G restore to work otherwise
Hey can eny one help me itunes says that the firmware is not compatible with the ipod send me a instroctional e-mail to please it wont work and all im trying to do is downgrade from version 4.2.1 to 3.1.2 please help!
for those who are having issues with Error 1600, 1604 or 200.
please see this guide instead…
this is all bullshit just fucking use greenpois0n dumbasses
I cant get greenpoison to work either tho :/
it worked! Thx!!
thanks man, you made my day :)) now I`ll restore my iphone succesfull and I`ll get signal yeaa!!
Fabio. Lol.
Thanks….this worked, but you missing two steps. in a mac, make sure to delete the info in the carrier support as well as clearing/deleting the info in software update. after those two are clear, make sure to restore the computer/mac and then build the ipsw
Wow, your second method worked for me like a treat. I just deleted Device Support File from "C:Documents and SettingsMeenuApplication DataApple ComputeriTunesDevice Support" and it click Restore in iTunes and it started in one go 🙂
Thnx a lot it worked
I installed Iphone 3G with fimware 3.1.3 with juilbrake without problem , who like to know more contact me i will help ,,,byeee
After 3 hours i finally got it to work! thanks!! BTW i did have to go into pwned DFU mode
thanks man. u rock
simple just
connect your iphone to your computer and press the dfu mode button configuration and it will start up.release all the buttons……after some time 6 seconds..just then again keep holding the home button until you see itunes connect logo.and then restore in that mode
Second method worked like a charm!! … I had tried everything and had almost given up, thanks from !!!
Used this method to move an iPhone 4 running on 4.2.1 to 5.0.1 while preserving the baseband with a custom .ipsw. I run Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I kept getting an error that said "this device is not eligible for the build" and found information here:… that helped me solve that problem. I had to go about the hard way and edit the host file rather than use tiny unmbrella as they suggest first. I went in and deleted the file found in ~/Library/iTunes/Device Support and my custom restore went through without a hitch. Sure wish I had found this two days ago.
I can't find device support
I don't have any of those directories mention in method 2 on either Windows 7 or Lion. What gives? I've tried this as well as other methods (Tinyumbrella, holding down Home and plugging in, moving the "C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAppleApple Application Support" directory, etc) and nothing seems to work. I have an iPhone 4 with iOS 4.2.1 and 03.10.01 Baseband. I've looked everywhere I can and there doesn't seem to be an answer that works for me. There has to be a way or at least an explanation why it doesn't work.
same here … help!!!
Thank you SO much! THe first trick helped me when experiencing various 1600/1601 errors during flashing. Thank you!
thanks man !!
Ty man. Im trying to restore the IPSW like 3 hours -.-
Finaly got it. U rock.
The iTunes errors may appear to any iPhone, iPod or iPad users due to various internal or external reasons. If you are unable to access your iPhone data after iTunes error then you can try iPhone data recovery tool that works very efficiently to recover iPhone data even from the iTunes backup.
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Great Method !
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