iPhone 3G/3GS Baseband 5.11.07 Unlocked (Blacksn0w) by Geohot – Nov 4th ’09 Release!
31 October 2009
Geohot did it again – the impossible! He hacked into Apple’s most secure baseband till date – 5.11.07 is now successfully unlocked and will be ready for general consumption come November 4th, 2009! He gave us 3.1.2 all device jailbreak and now blacksn0w! This kid sure is awesome – all props to Geo, the man!
Hello, I've got a following problem: I've got an iPhone 3G with 3.0 Software and 04.26.08. The problem is I do not have an at&t contract, except my gophone prepaid sim I took off from one of their gophones. I do have another sim card from at&t that is also a pre-paid card, but not assigned to any phone. I would like to use one of these sim cards for the time I am in the US, and when I'm going back to europe, I would like to use anothe card. When I got the phone, it was a new, not activated, not jailbroken, not unlocked. I started to do my research on this, so I did everything with iClarified tutorials, I have successfuly ( I think ) jailbroken my phone, then with ultrasn0w unlocked it, ( successfuly too, it is installed in cydia ). The problem is, that everytime I restar the phone ( switch it off, then back on ) it keeps saying: Waiting for activation, it may take some time, so basically the basic message when you pop your sim card in without jailbreaking and unlocking the phone. Now, what could I do wrong, why I don't get any service, can I restore my phone to one of customade software versions, with the same baseband that has been activated. My question is, what can I do to activate this phone, so any card can work with it. Thanks ! I'm working on Win. Vista.
just download the custom ipsw (Activated for Other Carriers), restore your iphone with that files and go to Cydia install ultrasn0w, then you should be good to go.
Will try tomorrow. Thanks for help.
[…] (for 4.26.08 baseband) to software unlock your iPhone 3G/3GS. If you have 5.11.07 baseband, blacksn0w should be used for […]
Hi… I have Baseband 5.12.01 on a iPhone 3g 3.1.3 any help plz!! i want it for T-Mobile
It cannot be unlocked for now, stay tuned… In the next 2 months is my guess with 4.0 firmware release…
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