Home » 3GS, 4.0, 4.0.x, downgrade, iPhone 3G S, iPhone 4, SHSH, TinyUmbrella

Apple sneaks in iOS 4.1 via iTunes, This is how you save your iPhone 4, 3GS!

8 September 2010 4 Comments

Apple just released iOS 4.1 update, not a super important update for 3GS users (unless you are into GameCenter!). iPhone 4 users can finally relax given that iOS 4.1 comes packaged with a fix for those nasty sensor issues.

Before you do any thing, please quit iTunes and do the following. TinyUmbrella is what you need to save your iPhone from Apple’s anti-jailbreak updates.

Download TinyUmbrella for your Mac/Windows/Linux.

Install/Launch TinyUmbrella and save SHSH blobs for iOS 4.0.2 for 3GS, iPhone 4 from Apple (or Cydia after the SHSH blob signing period by Apple is up).

Will make a detailed post about actually using the SHSH blobs for downgrading the iOS firmware.


  • Danna Kinsky said:

    so it's ok to upgrade after one does this ? and will still be able to jailbreak ?

  • mike said:

    what to do if i already have the upgrade

  • Kiran said:

    We can\’t do much but to wait

  • Taniya Bragg said:

    i Think 4.1 is FW .is it right?

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