Winterboard works on iPhone 3GS – Revised Mobilesubstrate released on Cydia
7 July 2009
Themes support is one if the major features that jailbreaking your iPhone supports. Winterboard enables you to choose an array of beautifully designed themes.
Geohot’s jailbreak for iPhone 3GS was not playing well with Winterboard. Cydia’s Saurik released a revised mobilesubstrate which enables themes support the way we are all used to!
Launch Cydia and Click in refresh. You will find mobilesubstrate. Install it, reboot your iPhone and choose a lovely theme!
Thats great news
What is the title of the theme in the picture?
Search for \”iWood Realize\” . I have been using it ever since I saw it 😉
does it now support keyboard theming?
Yep it should work…
Can firmware 4.26.08 be downgraded to 2.2 or 2.0. It works with my iPhone, but the battery life is now shorter. Thank you.
Nope, baseband cannot be downgraded. Firmware, yes! The only thing is that Apple is working on the battery issue, so turn push features off for now and see if the battery life is better..
thank you… if you don,t mind where can i find push features?
My winterboard doesn't respring. It happens after I install supreme prefs. any fix?
I never tried supreme prefs. Did you use purplesn0w or ultrasn0w? Whose jailbreak solution did you use? Did you try restarting your iPhone?
I used ra1n and not unlocked.
It also depends on which version of ra1n. Anyways, your best bet would be to run ra1n again. It should fix it.
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