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1.1.3 OTB, 1.1.4, 16GB iPhone, Activation, apple, firmware, iJailbreak, INdependence, jailbreak »

[28 Feb 2008 | 179 Comments | ]

Once iNdependence v 1.4b5 was released with 1.1.4 support, I went ahead and updated the iPhone (16GB 1.1.3 OTB unlocked using iJailbreak)from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4 via iTunes which gave me an error. I repeated the same and the update went fine and now I have version 1.1.4 installed on the iPhone.
I then fired iNdependence trying to jailbreak/activate my iPhone. I hit the Activate button and it didn’t respond in a timely fashion showing me the Jailbreak screen. I then hit the Jailbreak tab to Jailbreak the iPhone which gave me …

1.1.4, INdependence, iphone, unlock »

[28 Feb 2008 | 2 Comments | ]

Read my horror story with iNdependence on a 1.1.4 updated 16GB iPhone. Don’t use it and don’t upgrade to 1.1.4 yet.Β 
iNdependence released an Activation / Sim Unlock solution for iPhone 1.1.4 firmware! That was fast, though 1.1.4 got not-so-interesting updates ( a probable SDK support maybe ). This version uses gunlock sim unlocking solution from Geohot πŸ™‚ They claim this tool to be a much more efficient solution compared to Zibri’s offerings.

Download iNDependence v1.4b5 for your Macs!
– iTunes 7.6.1 Support
– Added SIM unlocking on firmware 1.1.4 (using gunlock)
– Changed …

1.1.4, iphone, jailbreak, Zibri »

[26 Feb 2008 | 6 Comments | ]

Apple released firmware 1.1.4 with no major upgrades which means it is intended to support the forthcoming SDK. For all those waiting to buy an iPhone might want to buy an iPhone right away cos’ we can still get iPhone 1.1.3 OTB and once 1.1.4 OTB iPhones start shipping, that may pose problems.
Don’t Upgrade to 1.1.4 if you need an interruption free iPhone Usage (Apps and Stuff!)!!

Zibri’s Jailbreak works just fine but itcannot be Activated, so non-ATT users might want to wait a while before updating. All in all, another …

1.0.2, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.2 OTB, 1.1.3, 1.1.3 OTB, Activation, iphone, jailbreak, unlock, ZiPhoneGUI »

[14 Feb 2008 | 94 Comments | ]

UPDATE : Download ZiPhone Latest Release for Windows. A Mac version of the same can be had here.
ZiPhone GUI is built by i.unlock.no which is based on GeoHot’s unlock script which was generalized by Zibri πŸ™‚ ZiPhoneGUI is for Windows users while Mac users have a better application in the form of iJailbreak. Talk about hackers/developers but yeah – they are the best! iPhone Devs have been keeping mum so far but hey, this method works the best!
Unlock option works with only 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 OTB iPhones and that makes …

iJailbreak, iphone, unlock, ZiPhone »

[14 Feb 2008 | 44 Comments | ]

This is by far the best, most efficient unlock EVER! Buy a phone from an Apple store, download iJailbreak on any Mac in the Apple store and unlock it then and there!! It can never get better and easier! I tried this unlock on different bootloaders and basebands ( 4.6 BL. 3.9 BL, 04_01_13G, 04_02_13G and 04_03_13G basebands).

The best thing being – it brought a no-wifi, no-radio DEAD bricked iPhone to back in life in about 2.5 minutes!! I spent 10 hours on the dead iPhone with no success until …

1.1.2 OTB, 1.1.3, 1.1.3 OTB, 16GB iPhone, Activation, apple, iphone, jailbreak, Jailbreak 1.1.3, unlock »

[9 Feb 2008 | 69 Comments | ]

Update : A much faster easier solution for Mac users can be found here. Windows users may resort to ZiPhoneGUI.
I am back after spending 4 hours on the entire process (which includes some hits and misses! Which means, you no longer have to figure out the right steps/combinations!!). Now the process is trimmed down to much lesser time and the best part being : No command line hackery!
All you need is an iPhone (OTB 1.1.2/1.1.3 BL 4.6), Mac (preferable) / Windows, Firmware files (1.1.2, 1.1.3 ipsws), courage to try this …

Uncategorized »

[8 Feb 2008 | No Comment | ]

GEORGE HOTZ aka GEOHOTZ has released an unlock for the OOTB 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.Download at http://lpahome.com/geohot/gunlock.rar.
geohot’s 1.1.2 software unlockyes, this is what you have all been waiting fornow fixed to support 1.1.3
1. Download these:gunlock and the secpack from http://iphonejtag.blogspot.com/ or the blog πŸ™‚the 4.02.13 fls from http://george.zjlotto.com/index.php/baseband/
2. Downgrade your phone to 1.0.2. See all the great tutorials online to do this. Your baseband won’t be downgraded, this is normal.This will probably work on other versions too, but 1.0.2 doesn’t lose wifi on bb access.
3. Kill CommCenter and run “gunlock …

1.1.2 OTB, Geohot, Software Unlock, unlock »

[8 Feb 2008 | 20 Comments | ]

UPDATE : No more tweaking with sec packs and command line hackery! A sit-back-relax- and-let-it-do-its-magic guide is released πŸ™‚ It is so easy a 6th grader can do it!! Unlock iPhone 16GB /1.1.3 OTB/ 1.1.2 OTB πŸ™‚
What took iPhone Devs months took GeoHot hours to find a true Unlock! It is not based on JerrySim baseband downgrade method but a lot more straightforward!! GeoHot hints that this can be applied to 1.1.3 OTB iPhones too, so hold your breath! Come Sunday and everyone can flash their iPhones with …

1.1.3 OTB, 16GB iPhone, iPhone Returns, Restocking Fee »

[6 Feb 2008 | 4 Comments | ]

It was a tension filled day since I had to make some decisions like buying a 16GB iPhone since I already bought an 8GB version 10 days ago. I was secured with a return policy but paying a restocking fee ($40) really upset me. I am spending over my budget on Apple!! My 10 day 8GB (1.1.2 OTB) iPhone was Activated, Jailbroken and Cingular activated (no contract) with 1.1.3 glory and I saw the 16GB iPhone via Digg.com I was restless, I had to get this memory-upped version before my …

1.1.3 OTB, 16 GB »

[5 Feb 2008 | One Comment | ]

Interestingly, the 16 GB iPhone rumor came true all of a sudden without Apple creating much hype this time around. Too bad for someone who bought an iPhone last week cos’ $100 is not bad for an extra 8GB flash memory. Well, since the iPhone is covered with a return policy (14 days – 10 % restocking fee : $40 ) I may well go for the upgrade once the bootloader and firmware version on 16 GB OTB iPhones. I am pretty sure it is 1.1.3 OTB but am waiting …