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ATT, German iPhone, T-Mobile »

[24 Jan 2008 | One Comment | ]

Amidst all this heated 1.1.3 firmware discussion, my utterly cautious friend Felipe who survived with 1.0.2 firmware ever since he bought it here at the United States had a panic attack when the iPhone stopped keeping track of the SIM in his unlocked iPhone when he reached Germany!! It was not reporting any SIM errors, not even incorrect SIM nor no SIM or the like. Then we had to some virginizing, restore and unlock of the iPhone. He got a Mac so it made things easier for a remote tech …

native apps, Uncategorized »

[23 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

A new software called PYSL (Protect Your Secret Life), an sms filtering app has been released by Rikk at hackint0sh.org. It has the following features-
– SMS filtering with blacklist
– Password protected
It can be downloaded at http://rapidshare.com/files/86346192/Pysl.app_2008-01-24_.zip.html
To install this (first) release you need ssh and :
– copy PyslNotifier to /usr/sbin/
– set permissions to 755
– copy Pysl(.app) to /Applications
– set permissions to 755 on Pysl
Uploaded by Pysl_For_Iphone

Uncategorized »

[23 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

Nate True has discovered some interesting changes in 1.1.3

From Nate True:
So I’ve had the chance to examine the 1.1.3 firmware on a deeper level (using a technique not developed by me and which I can’t release so don’t ask) and have noticed some interesting changes behind the scenes that are quite blogworthy:
– SpringBoard no longer needs to be modified (via SummerBoard) in order to show extra applications in the /Applications folder.– All applications now run as the user ‘mobile’ instead of as root.– Preferences are now stored in /var/mobile rather …

native apps »

[23 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

Makayama, developer of Camera Pro and iSim has released Voice Dial for the iPhone. It allows you to assign tags using your own voice to call any contacts in your addressbook. It can also be used with other iPhone applications like Safari, Maps and Mail by tagging actions associated with those applications. Price is at $27.95. Download using Installer by adding: http://tinyurl.com/2t8cax as a source.
Screenshots from iphoneskinning

native apps »

[23 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

Oktane999 from the iPodTouchFans site has developed a native bowling game, iBowl for the iPod Touch/iPhone. The current release is at 0.0.1 and is to be considered a “teaser release”, according to the developer. Installation of Jiggy Runtime is required in conjunction with iBowl for gameplay. Jiggy Runtime is available on Installer and iBowl can be downloaded here.

Uncategorized »

[23 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

The combined devteam have found the 1.1.3 main filesystem key and are soon going to release a jailbreak method different from the previous method to keep that hole open for the next firmware update.
Extract from hackint0sh posted by MuscleNerd
The combined dev teams are proud to announce that we have the main filesystem “asr” key. It can be used by vfdecrypt to produce a mountable dmg. We are working full throttle on the full jailbreak that can be released before sdk comes out.
Code:% echo -n $key | openssl sha1aaa5d868ec529fc24575293abbac0a5823a9e5da
(The above isn’t …

Macheist II »

[23 Jan 2008 | 2 Comments | ]

Hi Guys 🙂 I am looking for three students who are willing to share this bundle. We can paypal the amount and one amongst us can buy the 3 pack for $96 thereby nabbing this best bundle for the best price ever and even contributing to a cause 🙂
I would prefer a .edu email id for this and we have only 20 more hours to call it a DEAL!!

Uncategorized »

[20 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

1.1.3 has been jailbroken by the dev team on both the iPhone and iPod Touch. The jailbreak solution has NOT been released to the public, and according to them will not be until February when the SDK releases. Here’s the video of jailbroken iPod with installer.app installed. Enjoy!!!

Uncategorized »

[20 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

Downgrade 1.1.3 to 1.1.1 completely

This guide will teach you how to downgrade your 1.1.3 firmware for the iPhone back to 1.1.1 using itunes 7.6. Now keep in mind, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to downgrade the firmware if your phone came with either 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 out of the box. The reason for this is because it has a completely different bootloader. So if you accidentally upgraded your firmware and want to downgrade back to 1.1.1, please read on.

Downgrade Firmware
First we need to downgrade the firmware back …

1.1.2, Hardware Unlock »

[19 Jan 2008 | No Comment | ]

Unlocking an out of the box 1.1.2
This method is originally developed by George Hotz, as you can see in his blog. Big thanks to him, and the rest of the guys who helped him making this possible.
Step 1: Prepair your phone and install software
First of all, downgrade the firmware to 1.1.1 (only main firmware) and then jailbreak and activate it (don’t unlock sim-lock).
Now, launch Installer and let it refresh it’s sources. Then tap on Sources, Edit, Add: http://i.unlock.no/. Now tap on Done, then Install the following packages in …