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apple, firmware »

[27 Sep 2007 | 2 Comments | ]

The much awaited iPhone Firmware update 1.1.1 which is touted to break the hacked iPhones is released and tests are under way to confirm the validity of the hacks released so far. I am currently testing my iPhone which is unlocked to use with an older Cingular SIM and I will post the results SOON.
Features of the 1.1.1 firmware update are as follows :

apple, feedback »

[26 Sep 2007 | 2 Comments | ]

Please voice your opinions against Apple forcing

apple, free, iphone »

[19 Sep 2007 | One Comment | ]

Well, after going through a lot of posts/comments – some people believe that they are not eligible for the store credit cos’ they are using T-Mobile or something else but how about this – borrow a Cingular sim or better yet buy a Cingular Prepaid card for some $10 and then pop the sim in and use the regular unlock procedures. Then hit this link and claim your $100 credit. It is not required that you sign a 2 year contract to get the job done. People residing overseas might …

apple, AT command »

[19 Sep 2007 | 6 Comments | ]

anySIM is confirmed to behave rather odd as far as the unlock procedure is concerned. The sound malfunction and unlock failure following the GUI unlock methods (iUnlock, anySIM) forced me to go the traditional, terminal way as described @ http://iphone.unlock.no/. After a lot of experimenting with different ways to achieving the unlock mentioned at http://iphone.unlock.no/, I was lingering at the bbupdater -v,minicom thingy. I got the minicom thing up but when it was time to do the AT commands, I always got the same ERROR message 🙁 I do the …

0xE8000023, apple, itunes »

[18 Sep 2007 | 2 Comments | ]

0xE8000023 error really did trouble me.It is the error message which iTunes report of while trying to sync your phone. At one point I convinced myself that I bricked my device but somewhere in my mind, I had a feeling that I could overcome it. After hours of restarting my phone and trying to sync the iPhone with iTunes with the sync cable, I thought going to an Apple store will be my last resort. Then I came home, tried one last time with the dock this time and Voilaaaa, …

iphone, Screenshots »

[8 Sep 2007 | 6 Comments | ]

UPDATE : With firmware 2.0, all you have to do to take a screenshot is hold the home button and the power button at the same time, you can find the screenshot placed under your Photos application.
Erica Sadun’s command line screenshot utility never really helped me (I still don’t know the exact command or where we have to type it – mac or the iphone!!). I was stunned to see the impressive quality of screenshots not to mention the way we take the screenshot of the iPhone though Youtube/iPod screenshots …

apple, hack, iphone »

[27 Aug 2007 | 14 Comments | ]

UPDATE : Completely free, no frills iPhone Unlock procedure released to the world. Dump iPhoneSIMFree and visit http://iphone.unlock.no 🙂

The originators – iPhone Dev team failed to release the free unlock so far while many other hacks are being worked out. Only time will tell if iPhoneUnlocking.com team is staging a drama with all the Lawyer from Silicon Valley stuff but GeoHot, the teen who put the hardware unlocked iPhone on eBay has proved it, so did the engadget team with complete proof.
Different approaches for unlocking your iPhone :
1) TurboSIM
Well, …

iphone, youtube »

[27 Aug 2007 | 25 Comments | ]

Its been a while since I bought an iPhone for a very good deal and I never signed an AT&T contract, still continuing my old Cingular thingy!! Lot of progress on different hacks but activating Youtube on the iPhone ignited little or no interest till recently Hackintosh forums were all abuzz about the Youtube Patch for the illegal iPhone users 😉
It requires some determination cos’ it might sound simple but replacing the files on the iPhone might get a little cumbersome for total noobs (like me 😉 I worked on …

apple, Hacks, iphone »

[6 Aug 2007 | One Comment | ]

I was astonished to see this update this morning. It works with a SuperSim hack and hey all iPhone lovers around the world, the iPhone is no longer a WiFi iPod!! Many confirmed that they can now make/recieve calls and SMS though YouTube is still arrogant. Probably the developers are not concentrating on YouTube but lots of excitement in store in the next few days!!
What all you need to make this work :
1. iPhone
2. SIM Reader/Writer (Infinity USB Unlimited, Dynamite Programer(I used this) ,etc…)
3. SilverCard
4. V1 SIM card (U must …