apple, iphone, unlock »
A Brilliant Step by Step Tutorial from HacktheiPhone.comWell, the iPhone Hack team finally released a tool called iASign which allows you to use other Cingular, AT&T sims which are not destined to be used with an iPhone. Hence, we could save about $20 by going the iASign way – EDGE is reportedly not that fast and this utility definitely will save money for those who are surrounded by WiFi hotspots all the time!!Download the tool and the source code here.
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At a time when the entire world is abuzz about unlocking the iPhone for other carriers, the iPhone Hack-Team released a snapshot depicting that Application installation on the iPhone is very much possible way before Apple releases them!! They are yet to detail about the process involved in achieving it. Installing applications, setting our own ringtones and a lot more – VERY SOON!! A commercial app known as iPhoneDrive from Ecamm makes life simple for naive users to use their mighty 8/4 GB iPhone for storage purposes!!
See the picture on …
apple, Hacks, iphone, security »
This is the current status of The Mission and good to see words of confidence amongst the team.
People all over the world are eagerly waiting for the BIG news and the hacint0sh guys are at work after a small break,hence the delay in updates they say. Anyways, enthusiasts who bought the iPhone worldwide were reportedly using all of iPhone’s features except for the ‘Phone’ part.
They hit a roadblock working to Unlock the iPhone via BootLoader (‘kin Apple Security!) but they say they have another method to achieve the purpose as …
apple, Hacks, iphone »
Well,the word is (un)officially out from iPhone Dev WiKi and Nanocr confirming that iPhone which has never been activated can be used a glorified iPod with WiFi features. Both the sources followed similar approaches and attained an even similar results – Independence day gift indeed 🙂
Though the entire process of achieving the iPod and WiFi functionalities of iPhone without even doing anything AT&T is recommended forhardcore geeks at the moment cos’ it is pretty complicated. Anyways,the cracks are out and can be accessed from and – whichever you …
apple, firmware, Hacks, iphone »
Guys at Hackintosh are already working on the leaked? restore firmware from Apple themselves! Interesting things are surfacing – For now let us do the hackers hack the system files. A lot more observations can found on Hackintosh. You should really look at this if you are hoping for an Unlocked iPhone soon. Very interesting results posted so far!! Happy hacking, no one can stop us from using such a costly gadget – not anymore hopefully!!
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I am crawling all around the web for iPhone Unlocking solutions and am listing the following links which will automatically tell you when a solution is found. Theoritically speaking iPhone is Quad-Band which is not a pre-requisite for US networks which means that it is ready to be used all over the world. There is more good news, according to AT&T rules, it should provide Unlock Codes for all the GSM phones 🙂
Following are the most up to date links for unlocking your iPhone :
Up to date guides for …
apple, iphone, unlock »
Update : All iPhones (2G, 3G, 3GS) can now be unlocked and Jailbroken. Follow these guides!
After iPhone launch fever,interesting details are popping up all over the internet. I was browsing to see if someone managed to unlock their iPhone and we can already see efforts headed in the right direction. A company reports that they have unlocked 2000 iPhones as I write this article. They are asking you for your email as well as the IMEI number. ZDNet says that they get Incorrect SIM: This iPhone must be used with an …
apple, dismantle, iphone »
Within hours of its release, published the dismantled pictures of iPhone – Yeah,they hacked the iPhone to its bare minimum. The battery, sim card of the iPhone were also clearly depicted. If we could replace other AT&T sim cards – it will be known soon!! Take a look at the pictures (video) and have great fun 😉
Check out the smashing/breaking/ruining of a brand new iPhone here…
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Finally,the D-day has come and iPhone is released to the Masses 🙂 People already started tweaking,laying and tampering with iPhone and its hardware. Down below,you can see iPhone Unboxing, Waiting in line and dismantling videos. For all of you proud iPhone users, Congratulations!! Expect lot of 3rd party apps,unlocking and tweaking of the iPhone!
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After a month full of iPhone Talk all over, it is sorta proved that it failed in certain areas where a normal phone would not! Interesting but true that iPhone cannot send MMS(well,it is not important anyways!!), cannot take Videos?? Come on Apple, why Video is crippled in such great device? No A2DP – Hey it is a next generation phone without the ability to listen to music via Bluetooth?? You should be kidding! The biggest drawback – the speed at which you can connect to Internet via AT&T on …