Articles in the Macheist Category
Macheist »
We tried saving some money, bought multiple copies but couldn’t find a Mac friend. We are both students ( CS Major). We are offering the last bundle for $98/3 ~ $33 . We prefer students with an .edu email ID. We might give it to an outsider if the students out there didn’t jump on time!
An alternative would be : $5 per App, yeah any app of your choice(Minimum 3). (paypal preferred). Not that we are desperate for money, just that we don’t have any use for this extra …
Macheist »
Applications from Macheist are piling up as the end of this year’s AppHeist approaches. 2 more applications are added today – namely ‘Wingnuts 2’ and ‘Tiki magic mini golf’ both being 3D games and otherwise cost $90. What have you got to lose, we get them for the same price and the bundle now has an actual price of $428.65 which is available for $49 or even lower if you took part in chasing the heist earlier! Click here to enter Macheist 🙂
Now about a better app that was included …
Mac Applications, Macheist »
It will not get better!! 10 Premium applications for never before seen prices! Pixelmator alone costs $59 🙂 The best part – they donate 25% of the sale to charity. Did we see this kind of deal for Windows platform?! Come, lets show what Mac community is capable of! The bundle costs $343.75 but it is yours for $49 (for the next 15 days)!!
TUAW reported that the bundle includes Speed Download but to my disappointment, it was edited just before release. Speed Download is included in the bundle …