Themes »

[7 Jul 2009 | 11 Comments | ]

Themes support is one if the major features that jailbreaking your iPhone supports. Winterboard enables you to choose an array of beautifully designed themes.
Geohot’s jailbreak for iPhone 3GS was not playing well with Winterboard. Cydia’s Saurik released a revised mobilesubstrate which enables themes support the way we are all used to!
Launch Cydia and Click in refresh. You will find mobilesubstrate. Install it, reboot your iPhone and choose a lovely theme!

DFU Mode, Recovery Mode »

[4 Jul 2009 | 232 Comments | ]

Both recovery and DFU modes are often confusing which just adds to the frustration when accidentally put into either of these modes. You don’t have to restore completely in iTunes. That takes up a lot of time (around 20 minutes and if you have data, it may be longer to get it all back up and running). You can give the following combinations a shot and I have tested them both on iPhone 3.0.
DFU Mode :

Steps to recover from DFU mode :

Connect your iPhone to your computer.
Hold down the …

3GS, Hacktivate, purplera1n, unlock »

[4 Jul 2009 | 57 Comments | ]

So you used purplera1n and jailbroke your iPhone 3GS but you still see the emergency screen huh? We just have to hacktivate your iPhone and then we can unlock your iPhone using ultrasn0w!
Lets get started :
1) Make sure you used purplera1n and jailbroke your iPhone 3GS. If you see the Emergency calls screen, you may follow the next few steps.
2) Download this lockdownd file.
3) Download iPhoneBroswer for Windows. You may try PhoneView for your Mac.
4) Launch iPhoneBrowser and navigate to usr/libexec folder as shown in the picture below. (If you …

3GS, Geohot, jailbreak, unlock »

[3 Jul 2009 | 107 Comments | ]

UPDATE : iPhone 3GS has a different security feature which disables it from using any other firmware rather than the latest available. So, if you still need Unlock and Jailbreak, custom firmware (look in categories) is the only option we have. The following article is not recommended anymore. Thank you.
Geohot rules yet again! He was the one to have unlocked the iPhone first generation phone back in 2007 and now, he is back with more! This time it is iPhone 3GS that is unlocked and jailbroken by the hacking maestro …

3.0 »

[2 Jul 2009 | One Comment | ]

This fact cannot stressed enough! Every time people are warned about updates from Apple disabling Jailbreak / Unlock , some people still end up accidentally updating via iTunes. Why take a chance while you can get the new iPhone firmware goodness with a few days wait?
Launch iTunes, Click on Preferences – > Under General Tab Uncheck ‘Check for new software updates automatically‘. Wait for a confirmed jailbreak and unlock for the newly released firmware and then update.