App, Apps Crash, AppStore, Fix, iPhone 2.0, Tips »

[20 Aug 2008 | 21 Comments | ]

After using Pwnage I have restored my iPhone numerous times following the AppStore apps crash! Interestingly enough Unofficial Apps and Cracked apps work great, just that official AppStore applications continue to crash with minimal usage of Cydia and Installer. It proved to be a challenging task to combat this issue. The following solutions or quick fixes may help you get a headstart saving you a trip to the Apple / ATT store or panic attacks for that matter! I might add this too – Steve Jobs admits the issue is …

cashback, Deal, Deals, Microsoft »

[19 Aug 2008 | One Comment | ]

If you are new to the whole cashback idea from Microsoft, quickly skim through this detailed article. Many feared it is a hoax and what not but Microsoft is really doing a great job by paying back customers for purchasing products via . Attached is the proof, so that definitely a green signal – go ahead and buy hot and hard to find products on using this Microsoft’s economic stimulus package!
eBay and Microsoft revised the Cashback agreement now allowing you 6 eBay transactions and a maximum of $200 per transaction. I love the …

App, Cydia, iPhone 2.0, video »

[13 Aug 2008 | No Comment | ]

Simply amazed, thrilled and what not! Never really tried Qik on pre 2.0 iPhone but this really is an intuitve approach to video on the iPhone! We are all waiting for video recorder to show up and hopefully it will soon but using Qik’s amazing FREE app downloadable from Cydia, we can infact capture video and save it online in real time. How better can it get?!
Step by Step guide to Video Streaming on the iPhone :
1) Pwn your iPhone 2.0.1 using Winpwn or Pwnage.
2) Launch Cydia and Search for …

ATT, Deal, Deals, iPhone 3G »

[13 Aug 2008 | 4 Comments | ]

Just a shout to those early adopters who stood in line for an iPhone and got a new line activated such that the contract can be terminated after a month by paying the ETF ($175) and owning the device without an enormously huge data plan requirement! Things get really interesting now! What if you slide a SIM with iPhone 2G plan into the 3G iPhone – will we be able to save $15 every month by gaining 200 free SMS messages and 2G data plan pricing!

In effect, for a 16GB …

openSSH, SMS Backup »

[9 Aug 2008 | 46 Comments | ]

We all love SMSs from our loved ones, don’t we? I always had issues with SMS since I tend to loose them with so many different firmware installs and I always have issues with setting up the iPhone from a backup (it just messes everything up!).
Anyway, openSSH comes to your rescue! Make sure you have openSSH installed via Cydia or installer and boom, use Fugu, Cyberduck or any FTP tool (Windows and Mac) and login to your iPhone (ip address from WiFi settings, username : root, password : alpine, port: …