Cydia, installer, iPhone 2.0, pwnage, unlock, Winpwn »

[9 Aug 2008 | 128 Comments | ]

Thank you iPhone Devs for such a fantastic job after a teasing wait for Pwnage 2.0.2! Pwned iPhone 2.0.1 firmware is much faster when it comes to response times and overall a stability upgrade from the buggy 2.0.
Here are the downloads to get you upto iPhone Firmware 2.0.1 (unlock for 2G iPhones, Jailbreak for 3G iPhones included). Make sure you have your SMS backed up before attempting the firmware upgrade!
Please DIGG this article and spread the message to the iPhone community worlwide!

If you want to build the Pwned 2.0.1 Firmware, …

battery, digital battery »

[7 Aug 2008 | 16 Comments | ]

Any iPhone user will definitely use the iPhone not just as a phone but  alot more – games included. And with more openGL 3D applications to play with, iPhone’s battery life is seriously taking a big hit. Just imagine using your iPhone on a train journey with all those GPS, Location aware features, games, internet and a lot more.
The idea is to conserve the battery charge rather than use a 3rd party add-on which might cost like $100! While we all know the basics of conserving iPhone’s battery, let me …

AppStore, Cydia, free,, iPhone 2.0 »

[6 Aug 2008 | 17 Comments | ]

When Cydia first surfaced in the 1.1.4 era, I thought I shouldn’t complicate the readers of iLikeMyiPhone, particularly when there is a user friendly lingering around! Come iPhone 2.0 firmware, I have no other choice but to recommend Cydia given its enhcanced performance, possibility of various critical apps (Summerboard, BossTools and the like) and an intuitive user friendly interface! If I’m selling iPhones I wouldn’t aglow the iPhone deals I have up in my shop to miss this app! Apple’s own AppStore closely resembles installer and Cydia though AppStore …

Deal, MobileMe, Push Email »

[24 Jul 2008 | No Comment | ]

With a not so impressive launch, MobileMe team had a rough outing ever since! The much touted term ‘Push’ definitely didn’t make much sense given the delays involved, not to mention the long hours of server issues. Apple clearly under-estimated the number of users probably. Though they sold MobileMe packages ($99 and $149) they failed to accomodate all of them on the server which led to outages.
After lots of chatter all around the world that Push is dead in MobileMe especially since it dropped the ‘Push’ feature till yesterday (most …

Bootloaders, Downloads, pwnage »

[22 Jul 2008 | 25 Comments | ]

These are the most essential files for Jailbreaking/Unlocking iPhone 2.0 and since they are scattered all around the place, I thought of providing a single link which would definitely ease the process.
I am working on a video as well as detailed Pwnage 2.0.1 guide for the noobs. Pwnage is rock solid but some surprises here and there surface every now and then.