Articles tagged with: 3G Software Unlock
3G, Cydia, Dev Team, iPhone 3G, iPhone Devs, jailbreak, QuickPwn, unlock, yellowsn0w »
For a change, I published 3 videos which definitely enables a total noob to unlock his/her iPhone without much difficulty. Latest Firmware via iTunes (2.2), QuickPwn (Jailbreak) and yellowsn0w via Cydia/installer (Unlock) hold the three key steps for a successful unlock.
Before proceeding further, make sure you are equipped with the following :
1) Strictly iPhone 3G Updated to 2.2 firmware via iTunes (2G iPhones have a different process – BootNeuter from Cydia).
2) Intel Mac (10.5.6 s/w update) or Windows machine. [Mac users, make sure DFU mode is enabled (10.5.6 s.w update …