Articles tagged with: Bing
App, AppStore, google, Microsoft, Review, Voice Recognition »
Microsoft did a fantastic job with their latest app for the iPhone – Bing! It more or less mimics Google’s app but in a much better fashion. This is a must-have iPhone app, give it a shot and I am sure you will love it! Voice search is deeply integrated and Image slideshow is a treat to watch! All in all a fantastic effort from Microsoft. Hope they change the way image description is shown with each image and if they could include spoken directions with the directions – they …
cashback, Deals, ebay »
Bing cashback is now 20% on eBay which means, they give you back 20% off any item you buy on eBay (using Buy it Now option). That is a BIG discount cos’ you already get very good deals on eBay! Enjoy this holiday season with great deals like this – gifts need not be that expensive an affair all the time!
If you are interested in purchasing iPhones (3G or 3GS) from iLikeMyiPhone’s inventory on eBay, quote this blog and get FREE Overnight shipping upgrade offer and $50 discount on purchase …