Articles tagged with: free
App, Cydia, iPhone 2.0, video »
Simply amazed, thrilled and what not! Never really tried Qik on pre 2.0 iPhone but this really is an intuitve approach to video on the iPhone! We are all waiting for video recorder to show up and hopefully it will soon but using Qik’s amazing FREE app downloadable from Cydia, we can infact capture video and save it online in real time. How better can it get?!
Step by Step guide to Video Streaming on the iPhone :
1) Pwn your iPhone 2.0.1 using Winpwn or Pwnage.
2) Launch Cydia and Search for …
AppStore, Cydia, free,, iPhone 2.0 »
When Cydia first surfaced in the 1.1.4 era, I thought I shouldn’t complicate the readers of iLikeMyiPhone, particularly when there is a user friendly lingering around! Come iPhone 2.0 firmware, I have no other choice but to recommend Cydia given its enhcanced performance, possibility of various critical apps (Summerboard, BossTools and the like) and an intuitive user friendly interface! If I’m selling iPhones I wouldn’t aglow the iPhone deals I have up in my shop to miss this app! Apple’s own AppStore closely resembles installer and Cydia though AppStore …
Downloads, free, Free Music, Free Tuesdays, iTunes Free Downloads, Uncategorized »
This is an effort to provide a quick and easy access to free stuff offered from iTunes Store. All you have to do is click here to launch the free selections offered every week. The URL launches iTunes with the selection.
The best part being access to free downloads right on your iPhone / iPod Touch. Just click the link and you can access the free downloads on your device! You don’t have to pay to experience OTA downloads from iTunes store. Some songs offered for free may be featured on …