Articles tagged with: iPhone 3.0
3.0, 3G Tether, ATT, hack, Hacks, Tethering »
We saw the release of iPhone 3.0 firmware, a remarkable release in the iPhone history though without tethering support for some countries (US-AT&T being the BIG one!). Well, folks at have achieved a feat that enables you to experience a seamless iPhone tethering experience! Seriously, this couldn’t have been easier/simpler!
Before you start :
1) Make sure you download and install iPhone firmware 3.0 from iTunes 8.2.
2) Make sure not to exploit this service thereby alarming ATT and giving them a chance to slap you with a hefty monthly bill, we …
3.0, Baseband, unlock, yellowsn0w »
iPhone Dev-Team delivers again in style! All the basebands for iPhone 2G, 3G released till June ’09 are unlockable by software means, thanks to the super famous yellowsn0w. Pwnage tool and QuickPWN are being worked upon to be ready for the D-day! Please throw away the turbo sims and refrain from buying into their propaganda! The entire jailbreak community will be able to upgrade to the latest in Apple’s offering – the revolutionary iPhone 3.0 software which managed to sneak in the most awaited features – MMS, tethering, Copy/Paste and …